Monday, April 30, 2018

485 - Harold Lloyd in Why Worry?, United States, 1923. Dir. Fred C. Newmeyer and Sam Taylor.

Monday, April 30, 2018

485 - Harold Lloyd in Why Worry?, United States, 1923.  Dir. Fred C. Newmeyer and Sam Taylor.

Harold Van Pelham belongs to the Country Club.  But he is leaving for the tropical island Paradiso to take care of his health.

Harold is perfectly healthy.  But try to tell him that.  He is convinced he has every disease known to man.

And a few unknown ones.

At least he does not have smallpox.

The man on the stretcher next to him does.  That is enough to get Harold to jump from his stretcher and take off running.

Harold has a Nurse who stands loyally beside him.  She dutifully gives him the pills he takes that cause a rattling inside his body.

And he has a valet who carries his things.  Such as the crate of lemons he brings aboard the ship.  Because someone said a lemon can help you with seasickness.

If only he knew what he was getting into.

The tropical island of Paradiso is ripe for revolution.  Not because the people inherently want it.  But because a millionaire is inciting it in order to profit from it.

And Harold is caught in the crosshairs.

Caught and imprisoned.

With a giant man.

They attempt their escape together.

And mayhem ensues.

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