Tuesday, May 22, 2018

507 - The Flying Deuces, United States, 1939. Dir. A. Edward Sutherland.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

507 - The Flying Deuces, United States, 1939.  Dir. A. Edward Sutherland.

Ollie is in love.

Too bad she is married.

If only he knew.

Stan tells her--Georgette, that is--about Ollie's feelings, and she explains that she is married.

Now he does know.

And he is crushed.

Ollie decides to jump into the river.  Stan walks down with him.  Ollie puts the rope around Stan.  He decides they should jump together.

A shark has escaped.

It swims below them, where they cannot see it.

A man, Francois, comes along.  He talks them out of it.  He talks them into joining the Foreign Legion.  It will help Ollie forget his trouble.

There is just one problem.

Having Stan and Ollie in the Foreign Legion is like having Gomer Pyle in the Marines.

Plus, Francois is Georgette's husband.

If only they knew  . . . .

They are about to get themselves into a lot of trouble.

All over a girl.

And their own incompetence.

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